The rush of the people, media and followers had started to slowly fade away from my life after an extravagant interest and attention from all over the world on my works in the Engineering Field. A Nobel Laureate, it was very nice to be a part of this distinguished philosophers, scholars and thinkers of all time. It was a matter of great pride and honour for me on being associated with such great personalities.
My schedules on those days were extremely hectic; short notice seminars, conferences and meetings around the globe at every hour of the clock. Of course I could have avoided such a life citing unplanned scheduling and health issues but disappointing people was the last thing I could think of. I was gradually getting used to thr changes in my life and eventually it became normal to be invited to far off places to share my knowledge and expertise with young minds.
And then an invitation was received which was least expected or never expected in wildest dreams. I was called to be a part of a conference which was supposed to be held in the outer space. If being called into something like this was not shocking enough then what was written next blew my mind off.
Members of the conference along with their signatures were :
- Albert Einstein
- Sir Issac Newton
- Galileo
- Bernouli
- Leonardo da Vinci
For three days I was dumbstruck. I completely shut myself down from people around me. The invitation didn’t go very well with my conscious.
On the fourth day, a strange carriage appeared to receive me with no other rider on it. I dont know why I boarded the carriage. After that the only thing I remember was to find myself among the people I have idolised throughout my life. Sir Issac Newton stepped forward to receive me and briefed me about the whole conference.
It was only after the brief session with Newton that I realised that for years great scientists and philosophers have been working on human mind, of which I was the latest member. I dont know how many days or years have gone by since my arrival here but I
have enjoyed every bit of it. This morning when I got up from my sleep, I had a desire to return to Earth. All this
time I had completely forgotten about my home. After little research I have came to know that perhaps it is not the best time to return home. Ages have passed, Earth has evolved rather regressed to Stone Age. The best thing for me now is to hang on and wait for the right moment to get back.
Oh! Please dont waste your time by bothering about my age.