Poem on friendship : God bless the friend

The most precious thing after family in our life is friends and their never ending friendship. Its hard to find true friends but when you find one our life never remains the same.
Here we present you a short poem on friendship to see how life gets changed.
God bless the friend who overlooks
All the faults in me
Who loves me for myself
And for the things that I can be
Whose delicate heart and thoughtful ways
Add so much meaning to my living days
God bless the friend
Who is always there for me
When I sink down and of the edge
Makes me smile with a glaze
Who cares for me day after day
And understands me come what may
God bless the friend whose perky ways
Can cause the sun to shine
Who helps me see lifes goodness
And the blessings that are mine
That friendship is real part
Of all thats precious in my heart.
Friendship is the best relationship where you can be what you are and the friends brings out the best in you and never leaves you in your hardest time. Cherish your friendship and dedicate it your best friends. Hope you liked the poem on friendship and any feedback please do leave a note in the comments.